Grow House

We represent people charged with Operating a Marijuana Grow House. Florida law states that possession of more than 25 plants in a house is evidence that the plants were being grown for sale and not personal use.
There is a three-year minimum mandatory prison sentence for people convicted of operating a grow house in Florida.
The most common way we see a Marijuana Grow House case develop is that the police will be given information, many times from an anonymous tip, that a house is being used as a Grow House. The police will then conduct an investigation in an effort to obtain a search warrant. The investigation will include looking at the outside of the house to see how often the air conditioner is running, as well as whether they can see any paraphernalia like fluorescent lights and watering tables commonly used in marijuana Grow Houses.
In prior cases, we have successfully challenged the probable cause contained in an affidavit the police filed to obtain a search warrant. If we can successfully challenge the search warrant, we can have the evidence suppressed and the case will be dismissed. We have also successfully challenged the charge that a client who owned a house being used as a Grow House but had rented it out to another person, had knowledge that the tenant was operating a Grow House.
There has been a lot of talk about the legalization of marijuana and medical marijuana. No laws have yet been passed in Florida legalizing the possession or the cultivation of marijuana. And even if laws are passed for medical marijuana or decriminalizing the possession of marijuana, odds are that Florida will still make it a crime to operate a Marijuana Grow House without special licensing from the state.
Please check our recent success stories to see the results we have obtained for clients charged with Operating a Marijuana Grow House.